I think few things represent Cenrtral NY like the upcoming Almostfest sponsored by Rock 107. Lacking the money or influence to get real bands, the station has decided on the best of the rest. A half dozen cover bands will be performing almost the biggest concert since whatever whatever was at Turning Stone the week before. In fact, I can think of the ad right now.
Almostfest: It's Almost Good!
But seriously, folks, the Mohawk Valley is becoming the home of missed opportunities. The chip fabrication plant has been on the board for years. It finally took a power line proposal to kill it. Otherwise, SUNYIT and the increasingly irrelevant MV EDGE would be trying to get potato chip factories to move to the location. Which brings me to my next post...
107.3, almost the best rock station in Oneida County, presents Almostfest. We almost built a microchip plant, we almost stopped the power lines from going through, we almost saved Griffis and now we plan to almost entertain you almost all the afternoon. We almost got Jimmy Buffett, The Eagles, Aerosmith, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd! Some of the cover bands are almost the right gender! It's all happening at MKJ Farm in Deansboro, which is almost in Madison County. You'll still have to pay Oneida County taxes, though.
Almostfest: It's Almost Good!
But seriously, folks, the Mohawk Valley is becoming the home of missed opportunities. The chip fabrication plant has been on the board for years. It finally took a power line proposal to kill it. Otherwise, SUNYIT and the increasingly irrelevant MV EDGE would be trying to get potato chip factories to move to the location. Which brings me to my next post...
At June 27, 2006 4:40 AM,
NoMoreArcuri said…
I've been saying for years that the Edge site is a rediculous venture, dreampt up by suny and the EDGE gang to try to look ike they're "doing something".
The whole idea is akin to me saying "Tomorrow, I'll become a brain surgeon"! I didn't even bat an eyelash when I read that AMD was looking at the site. I knew that EDGE site didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Why would AMD come here and deal with this local political scene, full of "Big shots"?
I wonder if those AMD acquisition engineers took a look at Utica, or maybe they "snuck them in" via the airport?
The Observer Yellowspatch has made almost six years of pulp and fluff about this "EDGE" site, but the real world sees us for what we usually are: A bunch of 'chiefs' in search of someone like AMD to bully around with the typical Mohawk Valley arrogance.
Goodbye EDGE site! Maybe we could use the land for a new county jail!
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