Rome, NY Sucks

But At Least We're Not Utica

Friday, December 31, 2021

In 2022

Well, 2021 was a big year. I'm actually working in Rome, NY for the first time in 17 years. Also, Betty White has not made it to another year as of December 31 in the US. I also may have misjudged the end of COVID. Let's make some wild-ass guesses and call them

Predictions for 2022

  1. Anthony Fauci realizes his dream of a daily briefing to address a worldwide audience. Most see it as a psychotic break now that he's been sued and put on trial for crimes against humanity, also known as making the Biden administration look bad.

  2. Republicans collect 51 Senate seats after the 2022 elections. People who whined 6 months before about "one Senator" stopping progress are now whining about 51 Senators blocking everything.

  3. The US creates a real-life Squid Game by calling it The Most Dangerous Lottery and justifying all the murders by saying it's for education.

  4. Bravo buys the rights to a Most Dangerous Lottery reality show.

  5. Crypto currencies take a sharp dive after a YouTube video shows a Boomer comparing them to the "pet rock," something that has no real value, but got put in a box and sold to people.

  6. Elon Musk claims the YouTube boomer is really Vladimir Putin. Boomers, the largest portion of the Tesla customer base, start returning their vehicles.

  7. Jeff Bezos takes advantage of Musk's weakened position to become Darth Vader. He arranges space flights for Amazon Warehouse Union organizers. They never return.

  8. The Marvel Universe becomes the Spider-man universe when three movies are scheduled for 2023 release chronicling the repetitive adventures of an irradiated kid in NYC.

  9. Omicron flavored COVID becomes the de-facto natural immunity for everyone. Seeing the end of their first biological warfare test, Chinese scientists are forced to go back to having sex with bats.

  10. Joe Biden continues to write 1987 on his checks.


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