Rome, NY Sucks

But At Least We're Not Utica

Thursday, December 31, 2020

In 2021

 Last year's predictions were a mixed bag. Trump wasn't impeached, Brexit happened and Ruth Bader Ginsburg is died. However, a GLOBAL PANDEMIC slipped past my prognostication. This will not stand in 

Predictions for 2021 

  1. After a split screen inauguration of two presidents, Donald Trump starts the Trump TV network in February.

  2. First up on the Trump network is COVID: Chinese Oriental Viral Infestation Department, where an assortment of Asians use bioterrorism against Americans.

  3. Viewership of the Trump network is 100 million, but media reports that only 125,000 are watching.

  4. Joe Biden disbands the Space Force. What's left is tasked with forcing some space between Biden and whatever young woman in front of him.

  5. While COVID-19 has a fatality rate of approximately 0.2%, one of the less well tested vaccines has a 0.1% chance of causing zombieism.

  6. Simon Pegg produces a sequel for Shaun of the Dead. Somehow, he makes Donald Trump the villain.

  7. Man Caves and She Sheds are replaced by Home Office Fortresses as the new hot home accessory, filled with workplace knick knacks and Matt Lauer style privacy doors.

  8. Sales of soundproofing and barbed wire go through the roof. Also, sales of roofing material.

  9. While new deaths from COVID end in the Fall, the "crisis" ends in the Summer when the last blogger is told "no one gives a crap" about their doom and gloom narrative.

  10. China convinces Tik Tok stars to go to a Fyre Festival style event where they are all executed. Their plans are thwarted when American life is actually improved.

  11. China halts plans to make a real-life Snickers Hole.


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