Rome, NY Sucks

But At Least We're Not Utica

Saturday, October 06, 2012


The thing that I think distinguished me from being a kid to an adult is the knowledge that even people with special knowledge and skills are generally as smart (or dumb) as everybody else. Some people get a lot of credit or money, but they just do a job, like everyone else with a job. Sure, there are smart people, but even people at the top of their game are only occasionally brilliant.

I don't know a lot about "cars." It's something that would require me to spend a lot of time knocking around a vehicle and trying to piece things together. If I assembled and disassembled a car a few times, I'd probably get it. So, I tend to rely on the people who do know about cars.

I had a huge repair bill at Goodyear today. They didn't really screw me over except for the fact that they jack up prices more than just about anyone. I went there because I had an intermittent problem that none of the half dozen car guys I knew could figure out. I trust Goodyear's diagnostic skills more than Mavis. Then I find out that they "diagnosed" that the car wouldn't start and they had to replace the fuel pump.

Never have Goodyear replace your fuel pump. It's just too much of an opportunity for them to explode your bill. If any of the morons who think they knew anything about cars had mentioned fuel pump, I would have had it replaced at Mavis or one of the other places that actually drop tanks. I chose to vent here because I feel a massive Obama-level tantrum coming on and I can't blow up at people I work with.

Maybe I rely too much on the opinions of other people in this area, but they should consider doing what I do when I talk about computers and electronics. If I don't know something, I take the hit on my ego and state that I don't know. Regardless, from now on I consider anyone who talks about cards to not know anything of consequence.

Too bad the Chevy Volt was a big flaming turd. I wonder where I can get a Nissan Leaf?


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