Rome, NY Sucks

But At Least We're Not Utica

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Home Base

That was weird.

Donald Trump was the GOP candidate who landed closest to Rome by filling a hanger at Griffis for a speech. He listed the ways in which the area has no manufacturing and is desperately poor. Then he went on for about half an hour, weaving a tale about a movement and every personal slight against him and his campaign since the day he announced. Of course, the crowd ate it up, along with offering offensive comments.

So, no, I am not a Trump fan. The most likely outcome is that Trump will lose the nomination, especially since he hasn't gotten 50% of the popular vote in a single state. If he does get the nomination, the effect will be the same. I think we're in for another President Clinton. Trump should have done this back when he was supporting Hillary. She might have won in 2008.


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