About Me
- Name: RomeHater
- Location: Rome, New York, United States
I've lived in Rome all my life, and was relatively happy for most of it. Now it is a city in deep decline.

Previous Posts
- PUMAcide
- Breaking News: Alaska Democrats Totally Corrupt
- For the First Time In My Life, I'm Proud to be a R...
- Scary
- I am Joe
- Breaking News : Alaska Democrats Incompetent
- Clean Sweep '08 - Arcuri Edition
- 82%
- SNL Post Mortem
- The MySpace Principle
Local Blogs
- Rome Scene
- Fault Lines
- Live from the OutSkirts
- York Staters
- Baloghblog
- NYCO Blog
- Anerica's North Coast
- Fix Buffalo
- All Things Jennifer
- LuceLu in Liverpool
- bbmoo's relations
- News 10 Now
Not So Local

At November 06, 2008 8:08 AM,
Strikeslip said…
I've been reading you RH! Let me know your new address and handle.
At November 06, 2008 4:47 PM,
RomeHater said…
Point taken. I'll let you know in your comments section (pre moderation) but it's going to ba all Obama bashing for the conceivable future.
At November 06, 2008 7:57 PM,
Jill said…
I've been following your blog too... I'd like to read your new one as well :)
At November 06, 2008 9:10 PM,
RomeHater said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At November 14, 2008 5:07 PM,
RomeHater said…
Thank you for your comments
At November 21, 2008 10:50 PM,
ryanr5511 said…
I like your blog. I found it by googling "Obama is only half black but Sarah Palin is all woman". Your blog was the only hit. I would appreciate the address of your new blog.
At December 18, 2008 11:06 AM,
Terrace said…
RH, I've been linking to you since the very beginning, so don't be a stranger, OK? Let us know where you're going.
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